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Những điểm nổi bật của Wadax Atlantis SERVER:
Wadax has been producing servers since 2012, acquiring expertise and know-how and understanding all parameters and elements which influence sound performance.
Sound quality in a digital system is greatly dependent on the server used. That was our first conclusion, back in 2010, during our fundamental research on State-of-the-Art digital audio playback. Since then, an extensive R&D project has been active with a primary purpose: to provide audiophiles with a server that unleashes their DAC’s full performance potential.
>>Xem thêm: Wadax Atlantis TRANSPORT, Wadax Atlantis DAC
Atlantis Server is an audiophile server, conceived, developed and produced for the following purposes:
The experience of Wadax on the design of top-performance DACs has been critical to the design and conceptualization of the Atlantis Server. Contrary to what can be intuitively thought, Server design AND construction play a key role in final musical performance.
The list of hardware parameters that have an influence on final results is long and they are dependent on each other: grounding, power supply, clocking, thermal design, mechanical construction, choice of computing elements, etc. Power supply is probably the largest single-factor contributor to end results. The power supply topology was taken directly from the extreme design done in Atlantis DAC.
But in software too. The data path that music tracks follow in the way to the DAC plays a key role. Like keeping the audio data in its native format. And many others. In essence, the idea behind Atlantis Server is to deliver an audio track untouched, bit accurate, and cleanly.
The operating system chosen for Atlantis Server is an extensively modified Windows 10. Custom software elements have been developed for Atlantis Server. Atlantis Server is a sealed and fan-less design. A detailed thermal study was done to optimize and minimize thermal gradient within the product. A custom aluminum machined cooler was created for the purpose.
The choice of the hardware platform is very special. More than 50 different platform combinations (microprocessor, RAM, motherboard,..) were measured for key parameters and ONE combination delivered better results over the rest, which is the lucky number inside Atlantis Server.
There are other proprietary hardware elements in Atlantis Server that remain undisclosed.
A music server must offer a smooth music library browsing experience. For this purpose Wadax explored the market in search for the best possible partner. Atlantis Server is designed around the best audiophile server available on the market: Roon.
It’s the best for many reasons, and these are aligned with Wadax methodology to deliver the best sound performance possible while offering an unparalleled user experience. Roon preserves data untouched, in its native form, essential for Wadax purposes. Furthermore, Roon has been carefully optimized for maximum audio performance.
The user interface of Roon is also especially attractive to use, with the plus of blending Tidal into one single app.
To control Atlantis Server, there is an app for iOS, Android or another PC/Mac.
>>Tham khảo: sản phẩm hi-end, sản phẩm hi-fi, dây dẫn cable
Atlantis Server is compatible with DLNA renderers or USB DAC’s. If the USB DAC is UAC2.0 compatible, no driver will be needed.
The storage capacity is 1Tb of SSD (default), with 2 internal slots to expand. Only SSD units are accepted.
Atlantis Server is compatible with MQA – assuming the DAC connected supports MQA, of course.