Even with this, one supposes there are already enough ball bearings. However, tone arms have a very tricky peculiarity. A tone arm should guide the needle flawlessly and not create any friction – neither horizontally nor vertically. At best, it should not present any bearing clearance or friction. This does not work mutually.
If there is clearance, then there is friction and vice versa. The ball bearing for horizontal and vertical movement
ultra high precision Hybrid bearings made from hard steel and Ceramics. Only the best of what is delivered make it into the TA-5000. These bearings, are then meticulously adjusted and incorporated always from the same experienced specialist. Even here, we attempt to achieve the demand for zero clearance and zero friction. We provide both bearings with a little bit of pre-stress that eliminates clearance and nevertheless maintains extremely low friction. You can´t see all the efforts we make - but you can easily hear it.